フィードバックを提供するAt the same time, delicate and enxebre, exquisite elaboration, of the almost heavenly environment at a step of the cathedral. highly recommended.
Excellent treatment and exquisite food. If what you're looking for is a luxury restaurant meal at prices that aren't deaf, this is your restaurant. from the hand of some chefs who have nothing to envy to a michelin star that deals raw material with a mime and excellent respect second place than here and second right. delicious food and excellent treatment. 10
Delicado y enxebre al mismo tiempo, elaboración exquisita, del entorno casi celestial a un paso de la catedral. Muy recomendable.
Un trato excelente y una comida exquisita. Si lo que buscas es comida de restaurante de lujo a precios nada desorbitados este es tu restaurante. De la mano de unos chefs que nada tienen que envidiar a una estrella Michelín que tratan la materia prima con un mimo y un respeto excelentes. Segunda vez que como aquí y segundo acierto. Comida deliciosa y trato excelente. Un 10
One of the best meals I've ever had. My wife and I were absolutely amazed. The food was unbelievable (especially ink rice with fish), the wine was very well recommended and also the service was excellent. Thank you for such an incredible evening. (We dropped here on 11 January 2022)