フィードバックを提供する(Traduit par Google) Après avoir and outrageus traités à la bourish d'Amsterdam (irrespectueux, grossiers, and the grossssar event of argusturiststian rène rénate rénite rés rés rénénén estáréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréré Wells sommes all at the filepurke à la place. Appelés, well avons été authorisés à venir immédiatement, well avons très bien accullis, well accompanied arguing the monumentary of arérérérène érérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérée térérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérée tée tée térérérés tée térés térée téré La nourriture était très savoureuse, the grandes portions et unely super tendre. Hautement recommandé! (Avis d'origine) After we've been scandalously treated in the bourse of Amsterdam, unrespectful, below all the polls, we've left that case, and we've got a very soon to find my grandfather's birthday. We went to the file purely instead. Called, we got to come immediately, had been very kindly taken, very nicely eaten, and as a slap on the literal fire arrow, my grandfather got another ice cream with fireworks of the case! They really saved my grandfather's birthday! The food was really good, big portions and supermal meat. Definitely a terrorist!
We'd been looking very hard at steak with homemade béarnaise sauce. But there wasn't. Very sorry, yet à la minute is prepared. How can this one be on? arrived at 7:45, leaving the case. We hadn't taken a dish at 7:15, our courts were already in front of us. We'll find it too soon. Makes the feeling strong, food and get out! Make way for the adding. Don't know if we're going back.
Super friendly staff. Also the question was only an hour before arrival to provide three extra places without trouble filled! Top service!
I was good and I got rafty. Too bad about the tap water we asked for was hot. But that was quickly solved.
French fries were super hot. Still very wussy as spring roll. And the manager was very nice.