フィードバックを提供するI visited the restaurant during work. It has a nice appearance and the prices are reasonable. This time, I ordered the meat and burdock udon. Although you can't see the "meat" in the photo, it is definitely included. I remember liking the taste, but I couldn't really focus on the udon as most people around me were ordering the "udon set". I couldn't help but wonder what kind of set the udon set was and why it was so popular. My impression of the udon was overshadowed by this. Next time, I would like to try the udon set.
There is an udon restaurant along R201 with a good location and a wide variety of menu options, so there are many customers. The udon noodles are hand-pulled and you can see the process of stretching and cutting the noodles through the glass. The noodles have a good texture, but they are slightly softer, perhaps catering to local preferences. There is some variation in thickness with the cutting, but it adds to the charm of the experience.
This restaurant has a charming exterior and offers great value for money. The karaage set meal comes with your choice of mixed rice or white rice, along with udon, salad, and pickles for 770 yen. I also tried the Daime Ten Zaru Udon, which had firm noodles and crispy tempura that were delicious.
広い店内で趣きもあり、美味しい! 値段の割には定食も食べごたえ有りでした!
6月19日(日)父の日 彼と久しぶりのドライブデート 昨日、「うどんマップ」総集編で みやこ町にある「丸亀」本店が 紹介されていました。 彼が「よし明日のランチは ここやな」って 10時に自宅を出発 42分後にとうちゃこ… 茅葺き屋根の風情ある店構え お店の中の雰囲気も良く お座敷とテーブル席 わたしたちはテーブル席に テーブル席から窓越しに 水車が回って水音が涼しい 感じでした 彼は「唐揚げ定食」 唐揚げ6こ、ミニうどん、サラダ ごはんは白と炊き込みのどちらか選べます、彼は炊き込み大盛 わたしは[天丼定食」 天丼[えび天を卵とじ ミニうどん、浅漬、パイナップル 「いただきます」 麺はツルツルしこしこ、だし汁は 鰹節の風味がして美味しかったです飲み干しました。 お店の方もいい感じ コロナ対策もバッチリ メニューも豊富で次回のメニュー選びが楽しみです。 愛でるものは 笑 ないですけど ドライブコースに加えて お食事して見てください~