フィードバックを提供するI went for the first time. I played from the blue tee, but the distance wasn't that long and there wasn't much elevation change. However, there were lots of ponds, narrow left and right fairways, and bunkers strategically placed in front, so it was quite a challenging course. The condition of the green turf was quite good and there were plenty of undulations, making it very rewarding. Unfortunately, the flow was slow on the back nine and it took almost 3 hours, so I thought the marshal needed to make more effort to improve the pace. The meal was delicious. I would like to come back again.
We started from the East course, and the greens were in good condition which made it enjoyable. However, I was not aware of the steep downhill slope behind the green when I first saw it, and ended up dropping the ball quite far down. The lunch was just okay, but I guess the price was reasonable so it's understandable. It was lucky that the pace of play was relatively good. Thanks to that, I was able to play all day long.
We went for the twilight course starting at 12 o'clock, and the staff were extremely friendly! Recently, I haven't had many great experiences with service being simplified, but I was able to play in a very good mood this time. The atmosphere is important.
都心からのアクセス良好メンテナンス良好! 朝早いスタートなら駐車場が近くに 停められて便利! 南にアプローチ、バンカー練習場あり。 青がレギュラーで男性には短いようですが 青も白も赤も大して変わないのでキレイな ゴルフ場なのに仲間うちでは女子ウケが 悪くコンペでは使えません T T 恩智恒雄設計、飽きのこない27ホール からなる林間コース。 ドックレッグや池やバンカーが効いていて 狭過ぎず面白いです。 東9番が特に好き!やっぱりキザみが正解か? グリーンは凄く遅いです。 リモコン、カートナビあり、南は乗入OK! ご飯は、いわゆるアコーディアより良き。 予約サイトに明記してないけど、スルー後 ご飯のプランもあり注意! オリックスの頃と違って、スタッフさん 言葉が少なく伝わりにくいです。 「このままスルーです」 「番カートの後ろです」等 言ってくれないと、私ほど図々しくない人 なら並んだカートの後ろでずっと待っちゃう と思いますょ。 でも、オリックスの頃と変わらずスタッフさん 美人多し、注意! 料金設定はちょくちょく変わるので、予約して 油断せず時々チェックした方が良いです 秘 JGAコースレートあり 帰りにYAKIIMO KAITSUKAや きだまりこせんきょうを右に曲がって 美味しいどら焼きを買って帰るのが好きです マキロイと写真を撮ろう