Seafood Restaurants Kalamaria
28 Seafood Restaurants
都市: Kalamaria, ΝΑΟΚΘ, Kalamaria 551 31, Greece
"Great service, amazing food, beautiful view."
"Fantastic food and view. Great value for money."
都市: Kalamaria, 551 32 Kalamaria, Greece
都市: Kalamaria, Koromila 3, Kalamaria, Greece
"So many vegan and vegetarian options "
"There are numerous vegan and vegetarian menu choices available."
都市: Kalamaria, Adramytiou 53, Kalamaria 551 32, Greece
"Unique. The hidden, magical garden of the rock roll"
"Good old rock music in a place you'll never forget."
都市: Kalamaria, Komninon 51, Kalamaria 551 32, Greece
"Classic bar, good drinks, nice atmosphere"
"One of the best American style bars in Thessaloníki."
都市: Kalamaria, Chilis 11, 551 32Greece, Kalamaria
都市: Kalamaria, Thetidos 18, Kalamaria 551 32, Greece
"Excellent service, very original dishes, amazing sea view, never full but never empty, on weekends needs a reservation."
都市: Kalamaria, Evelpidou 12, Kalamaria 551 32, Greece
"Nice Ampiente with shady inner garden. Good Cypriot food"
都市: Kalamaria, Adrianoupoleos 3, Kalamaria 551 33, Greece
"Best Bouyatsa in town, friendly staff"
"A very good place to enjoy a drink at night with Greek music"
都市: Kalamaria, Chalaro, Argonafton, 551 31 Kalamaria, Greece
"Can you please provide a quote for this restaurant? 5 stars"
屋外席, テイクアウト, Wi-Fi, 車椅子対応
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