Le double R rue du Collège 4, 1400 Yverdon-les-B...
君の自動車のための駐車場もあるよ。一番近い駐車場は Yverdon の Le double R から 167 メートルのところにある Centre Ouest だよ。, または公共、パブリック交通機関を利用して、290メートル離れた駅、バス停 Gare CFF Yverdon-les-Bainsまで来る、行く、到着するかも。.
What a cool place. it's tiny. we are almost over! and this is part of its charm! super friendly...
Hands down the best burgers you can eat in Switzerland (I would say in Europe, but that may be...
Always on top! We are impatiently awaiting the return of the cheesecakes
Nice to eat outside, in summer, it's too hot inside and it's very small!
Eating only poultry, several people recommended that I try the chicken burgers at Double R, whi...