Meegärtle Mainlände, Veitshöchheim I-97209, De...
公共、パブリック交通機関でもレストラン、レストラン、店に簡単にアクセスできます。最寄りの駅、停留所は468メートル先のBahnhof Veitshöchheimです。, それ以外には、Parkplatz Dresch-Platzまで172メートル離れた所に駐車スペース、駐車場、駐車場、駐車の機会があります。.
Just make a stop on a bike tour and I'm totally excited. Mega fresh salad and the pommes can no...
Short and short; Unfortunately no card payment is possible, therefore only 4 stars, otherwise I...
The best beer garden in Veitshöchheim, overlooking the waterfront and the Main, is the Meegärtl...
Great beer garden under chestnut trees located directly on the Main. Good food and drink select...
It was there several times... alone and with several people. Conclusion: very friendly staff, r...