Jill Bartelsstraße 12, 20357 Hamburg., St...
Sternschanze の Jill から 168 メートルのところには、君の車を停められる パーキングがあるよ。, または公共、パブリック交通機関を利用して、238メートル離れた駅、バス停 S-Bahn-Sternschanze (Messe)まで来る、行く、到着するかも。.
Was a recommendation from my Italian colleague. Now our favourite pizza with Neapel Pizza with...
Very delicious dough! Pizza super delicious, even without vegan cheese. But enjoy vegan pizzas...
You could choose the vegan 4 ingredients, which was really great. Only the service was a little...
Well-designed pizzeria, on Sunday the place was not full. good, crispy pizza in the right many...
We have breakfast here and the atmosphere of this place has been very pleasant. the porcellan i...
Hausgemachte Schmand-Base•Rote Zwiebeln Fior di Latte•Thunfisch (100% Handarbeit aus Italien/Cetara)•Pistazien
Mit 4 Zutaten Deiner Wahl auf einer Tomatenbase Charly Paprika (pikant), Rucola, Pilze, Aubergine, Knoblauch, Birne, Babyspinat, Kalamata, Tomaten, Basilikum, Rote Zwiebeln, Walnüsse, Radiccho, vegane Käsealternative, Kapern, Artischocken
hausgemachte Artischocken-Base, getrocknete Tomaten, Fior Di Latte, Artischocken, Rucola ganze Burratina (nach dem Backen drappiert)