Hawaiian Bbq 5040 Auburn Blvd, Sacramento, United...
Great meal. Flavorful pulled pork. Crispy thin sliced chicken. 2 scoops of white sticky rice an...
Katsu on point!! NOT over cooked perfect light crisp crunch. Ribs nice tender juicy..mac salad...
All of it was awful. Overcooked Chicken Katsu Mini Meal so it was all dried out. Beef was too c...
They didn't provide any sauces for my Chicken Katsu and my crab ragoons..and the food seems a b...
Very good!!! will go back again and again.
Slow roasted pork with a hint of smokey flavor, served shredded over steamed cabbage. Hawaii's version of pulled pork.
Tender beef short ribs marinated in Korean Style BBQ sauce, then grilled to perfection.
1 つ選んでください
One entree served on bed of steamed rice, a side of fresh mix salad with house dressing.