Fisch-Schleger de Ko... Siemensstr. 1, 25813 Husum, Schleswi...
君の自動車のための駐車場もあるよ。一番近い駐車場は Husum の Fisch-Schleger de Kook から 679 メートルのところにある Hagebaumarkt だよ。.
Rarely so ' a delicious makrelenfilet eaten. absolutely fresh and also from oreis okay.
Always delicious, always fresh. the rolls are perfect for a quick eating on the work.
Have brought us some delicious fish breads today. super nice operation and so delicious that yo...
Forsche und unfriendly operation an der fischtheke (experienced: Friday, 18.05.2018, morning at...
Had been there a couple of times for lunch. it was always delicious