Center Café Luisenpl. 5, 64283 Darmstadt, German...
君が Darmstadt の Center Café に車で行くなら、97 メートル離れた Luisencenter に 駐車場があるよ。.
My mother (which is a little older) had an appointment with a nearby dentist in the early morni...
Besides Loop5, the shopping center is probably one of the most important in Darmstadt. The Luis...
If you have to go fast and you're in Darmstadt, you can always look past the Luisen Center. Ver...
Because of Corona, there's an absolute mess. They come from one side to many shops. The underpa...
Nice shopping center with good choice. In the cellar there is a supermarket, restaurants and dr...
Haselnuss-, Vanille- und Schokoladeneis mit Sahne, Amarettolikör und Amarettinis
Schlumpfeis mit bunten Streuseln, Hariboschlümpfen und Sahne
Erdbeeren, Bananen, Obssalat, Kiwi, Amarenakirschen
Joghurt Banane
Frischer Joghurt mit Joghurt- und Bananeneis, Bananenscheiben, Sahne und Schokosauce
Joghurt Pfirsich
Frischer Joghurt mit Joghurtund Joghurt-Pfirsicheis, Sahne, Pfirsichstückchen und Tropicalsauce