Sapporo Sea Food Buffet - Corona

食べ物, ビュッフェ, シーフード
591 North Mckinley Street, Corona, CA 92879, 92515, United States
料理: 16

Sapporo Sea Food Buffet

591 North Mckinley Street, Corona, CA 92879, 92515, United States


  • Dinner Carry Out

    Seafood Carry Out Dinner

    Portions consisting of more than 50% seafood items. Excludes sushi, sesame balls, and spring rolls.

    Mixed Carry Out Dinner

    Up to 50% seafood mixed with other items other than sushi, sesame balls, and spring rolls.

    Non Seafood Carry Out Dinner

    All items excluding seafood options, sushi, sesame balls, and spring rolls.

  • Lunch Carry Out

    Seafood Carry Out Lunch

    Portions consisting of more than 50% seafood items. Excludes sushi, sesame balls, and spring rolls.

    Non-Seafood Carry Out Lunch

    All items excluding seafood options, sushi, sesame balls, and spring rolls.

  • Sushi

    Seafood Sushi

    Sushi rolls with tuna, salmon, octopus, eel or another type of fish on top.



