Das Asam Freiherr-von-Aretin-Platz 2, 94501 A...
Das Asamのテーブルを予約する
Were to you yesterday!!! Food was Mega delicious Next so!!!
Special hotel in a former monastery. You sleep in the former monk's claws, which are contempora...
We were in a bigger group there for a weekend. The monastery is so huge that you've been lost b...
The restaurant in the former monastery alone is not an everyday atmosphere. It offers an upscal...
Great restaurant. We came by chance and had a spontaneous late lunch. The food was excellent, k...
gebackenes WanTan Currysud Brokkoli Erdnüsse Zuckerschoten Karotten Sprossen
rosa gebratener Rücken geschmorte Keule sautiertes Spitzkraut Kreuzkümmel Hollunder confierte Kartoffeln Jus
Hausgemachte Pfifferlingsravioli
gebratene Pfifferlinge Belper Knolle Rukola Pinienkerne
ゲブラテネス ラックスフォレレンフィレ
Kartoffel-Lauch Gemüse Chilliaromen Babykartotten Kartoffelcrunch
Rosa Gebratenes Spanferkelkarree
Barbecuearomen Grillgemüse Tsatsiki-Schaum Kartoffelgratin Jus