ビッグ・フィラデルフィア・チーズステーキ レストラン in City of New York 地図に 10+ 軒のレストランを表示
都市: City of New York, 2045 Broadway, New York, NY 10023, City of New York, United States
都市: City of New York, 1285 Avenue Of The Americas, New York, NY 10022, City of New York, United States
都市: City of New York, 1585 3rd Ave, New York, NY 10128, City of New York, United States
都市: City of New York, 150 West 47th Street, New York, NY 10036, City of New York, United States
都市: City of New York, 699 Allerton Ave, Bronx, NY 10467, City of New York, United States
"This restaurant offers an excellent selection of sandwiches and toppings, allowing you to customize your sandwich just the way you like it. The staff..."
都市: City of New York, 2120 86th St, Brooklyn, NY 11214, City of New York, United States
都市: City of New York, 302 W 39th St, New York, NY 10018, City of New York, United States
都市: City of New York, 1001 Brighton Beach Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235, City of New York, United States
都市: City of New York, 115 Montague St, Brooklyn, NY 11201, City of New York, United States
都市: City of New York, 1145 Bay Street, Staten Island, NY 10305, City of New York, United States
{{ slotProps.result.rating }} 注目 ただ今営業中 € € € €
{{ slotProps.result.rating }} 注目 ただ今営業中 € € € €
都市: {{ slotProps.result.city.name + (slotProps.result.extended_address ? ', ' + slotProps.result.extended_address : '') }}
{{ slotProps.result.custom_description.text }}
価格 ビッグ・フィラデルフィア・チーズステーキ の平均価格は:
食材 これらのレビューは、言及された成分のみを参照しています。