ルッコラ レストラン in Bra
地図に 軒のレストランを表示

都市を選択: Bra, Via Cavour 42, Bra I-12042, Italia, Italy
"Esperienza davvero eccezionale, in un locale davvero molto carino. Cominciamo col dire che il proprietario e sua figlia sono due persone davvero stupe..."
I brought this salad to a birthday party once. Since then, I have to bring this salate and pass on the recipe. everyone is thrilled.
delicious, had no dried tomato home, but went well without. all were enthusiastic and jerking was the bowl empty. Best thanks for the great recipe!
hallo, many thanks for the first comments that really please me! the amount of nude is certainly at the upper limit, I would enter the whole again, I would certainly take 350 g noodles! but as with everything: try out makes the master! many greet hei...